ELCS was commissioned by the World Food Program to undertake third party monitoring and verification of their programming in South region under cluster 6. The work involved design of TPM protocol, TPM tools, Quality Assurance of data and reporting of monitoring findings to the Agency. As part of this work, ELCS deployed more than 100 staff involving project manager, ME manager, data quality assurance officers and field monitors to undertake TPM of WFP programs in five southern provinces including Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Nimroz, and Uruzgan. ELCS team was engaged in TPM of WFP programming across multiple sectors. To this end, the team was engaged in 7 type of TPM activities. Target beneficiaries for the TPM included the total population in five provinces. One important feature of ELCS was engagement of more than 20% female staff to undertake TPM of women oriented projects.
Third Party Monitoring of WFP programming in South Region 2023-24

Relatel Projects

January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025