ELCS worked with Hera a Belgium based consulting company and UNICEF to undertake an assessment of pharmaceutical sector in Afghanistan. Serving as a local partner, ELCS was charged with in-country activities involving, hosting 3 international experts, their travel, security, and all other arrangements. The ELCS team also supported in development of the tools, protocol, scheduling of interviews with key stakeholders such as UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, UNFPA, MOPH, USAID, MSH, AKF, INGOs, LNGOs, pharmaceutical companies, AFDA, MOPH. ELCS team was also involved in conducting KIIs, transcription of field notes, site visits, organization and analysis of data. ELCS team provided support in putting the final assessment report which was presented at multiple platforms including at a national stakeholders’ validation workshop.
Assessment of Pharmaceutical Market in Afghanistan

Relatel Projects

January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025