Review and Evaluation of Basic Nutrition and Hygiene Curriculum for CCNP and WEE-RDP participants in two provinces, World Bank, Sep-Oct 2019

Review and Evaluation of Basic Nutrition and Hygiene Curriculum for CCNP and WEE-RDP participants in two provinces, World Bank, Sep-Oct 2019

ELCS was contracted by the World Bank to undertake Finalization and Evaluation of Basic Nutrition Training Packages for Women Economic Empowerment-Rural Development WEE-RDP and Citizen Charter Afghanistan Program (CCEP) in Afghanistan. It was a pilot project initiated jointly by the World Bank, Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Rural Development to use available community based institutions to deliver health and nutrition messages. Besides review and finalization of the Basic Nutrition Curricula, ELCS team trained over 1500 female and male members of Community Development Councils and Self-Help Groups in two provinces Kabul and Parwan.

Using community led approach to project implementation, ELCS team engaged community elders including members of the provincial authorities to select and train more than 40 master trainers (male and female) and 1500 project beneficiaries in target sites. An estimated 9500 indirect benefited from the program through peer to peer education. ELCS used advance data analytics using dashboard to summarize the findings of the study, which was presented to the WB. Discussions are under way to scale up the project to the entire country using CDCs and SHGs as suitable community based platforms.