Archives: Members
Abdul Raheem Ghani
MCS, BCS, Data/Database Specialist
Abdul Raheem Ghani is a seasoned professional with a master’s degree in computer science from Kabul Univ...
Ruhollah Fasihi
BCS, MCS, Master Trainer
Ruhollah Fasihi is a seasoned software engineer and lecturer with a Master’s degree from Payame Noor Uni...
Habibullah Farhang
BBA, MBA, Program Officer
With two master’s degrees in MBA specializing in HR and project management, since January 1995, I have b...
Edriss Radmanish
BDL, BPS, MDL, PDC Officer
With extensive experience in capacity development, organizational growth, and training management, he hassigni...
Ahmad Javed Rahmanzai
Founder | President
With 23+ years in global development and humanitarian sectors, he has authored 7 research articles and is work...